Mode of Action of Tuning Element
Brasovan S, MD, FACOG
Tuning Element Patches (TEP) are Silicon-based, infused with harmless metallic salt, and imprinted with Extremely Low Electromagnetic Frequency (ELEF). TEP has been developed by Tuning Element LLC. Anecdotal reports and testimonials have shown that TEP is beneficial in pain, behavioral, and hormonal management. Phase 1 study: TEP has been researched, and the research has found that TEP is not harmful and that it may enhance wound healing. TEP has been analyzed by the Resonant Recognition Model (RRM). Phase 2 multicenter studies were completed, published in peer review journals, and presented nationally and internationally.
It is time to revisit a paradigm of a biochemical approach to pathophysiology and pharmacology. Initial pathological processes occur on a quantum-molecular level but are not addressed by the current biochemical paradigm. Utilizing a pharmacological approach to treat pathophysiological changes already in progress is time-consuming, costly, and laden with side effects. With the development of Quantum Physics, a new possibility to consider pathophysiology has emerged. Quantum Biophysics gave birth to Quantum Evidence-Based Medicine and Nanobiotechnology in the last century. This approach concentrates on nonbiological changes that occur on a quantum level in the human body prior to any biochemical changes. Many research projects have been underway in this field, especially at Tuning Element Research and Development Department, as well as at leading universities in the U.S.A. and abroad. To quote May Wan-Ho: The Human body is a collection of “quantum molecular machines.” ¹
In the last decade, a new class of health-related products has been developed: this new class utilizes Extremely Low Electromagnetic Frequencies (ELEMF). The frequencies in these items are imprinted with an energetic message, which is passively transmitted through skin contact and interreacting with the body tissues through RRM.² This type of imprinting technology is not new. Presently, this technology is used every day in electronics by imprinting microchips with different frequencies. Tuning Element is pioneering in the production of passive ELEMF items that are presently available and sold over the counter (OTC) to support health and well-being.*
Tuning Element Patches (TEP) are non-invasive and permanently attuned with ELEMF. TEP patches should be applied to designated points of the body. Lasting from a few days to about a week, they do not fall off and cannot be felt by the wearer. They can be worn in water, so taking a bath or shower or going swimming will not damage them. The patches work strictly by sending vibrational information to the body. These patches contain frequencies for support of particular body functions. TEP mode of action was elegantly described in a published scientific article in the peer-reviewed journal Transactions on NanoBiosciense.³
TEP uses no medications, herbals, or supplements. They do not require an electrical supply. They should be considered passive energy products. TEPs are available OTC in selected pharmacies, medical offices, medical spas, and health food stores in the U. S. A. In Europe: Slovenia, England, Germany, Italy, Poland, Serbia, Bosnia, Croatia, and in Asia: Taiwan.
TEP technology was developed in 2010. TEPs are silicon-based harmless metallic salt-infused adhesive patches, 4×4 cm in area. They have no additives. They have removable plastic covers and paper backings. TEP lasts 3 to 7 days and wears off naturally. In line with many anecdotal reports and testimonials, Tuning Element optioned to pursue meaningful confirmation of our research and data.
Missouri State University (MSU) Center for Biomedical and Life Science under Director, Professor of Cell and Developmental Biology, Paul. L. Durham, Ph.D., completed the phase 1 double-blind study on experimental hairless rats. This study concluded in 2016 that TEPs are harmless and may enhance surgical wound healing.⁴
For the mode of action research, we contacted RMIT Professor Emeritus Irena Cosic, Ph.D., who has been developing mechanisms to build a proper theoretical model that could explain how protein vibrates to deliver key life functions. Protein is the key device for life forms. She is an author of over 300 peer-reviewed publications in frequency and related subjects and Director of AMALNA Research Company. She and her husband, Drasko completed a research project studying our products in 2017. Dr. Cosic writes³,⁵ “Conclusions from Studies on Tuning Element Patches’ (TEP) Influence on Pain Through Ion Channels as Predicted by the Resonant Recognition Model (RRM). Within this study, we have analyzed pain-related sodium and calcium ion channels using the RRM model, with the aim to find the characteristic resonant frequencies for the opening and closing of these ion channels and to investigate the possibility of these frequencies resonating with frequencies imprinted within TEP patches and consequently to propose mechanisms of pain remediation with TEP patches. The characteristic frequency for pain-related calcium ion channel opening and closing function is fc2=0.1021. This numerical RRM frequency relates to electromagnetic wavelength λ=1968nm. Thus, Titanium, Gold, or any other conductive particles in the TERP patches that are in diameter of about Dλ=2000nm, Dλ/2=1000nm, and Dλ/4=500nm can resonate with pain-related calcium ion channels influence their opening and closing function and consequently influence pain transmission along the nerve (axon)…When different modalities of charge transfer through the protein backbone is introduced, the resonant frequencies for the opening and closing function of pain-related sodium and calcium ion channels could then be in different frequency ranges, including THz, GHz, MHz, and KHz. These frequencies could also resonate with the frequency imprinted within TEP patches. Results from our study can explain the mechanisms of TERP patches remediating pain through resonances with pain-related ion channels. This would mean that TEP patches could mimic the similar activity as toxin-based painkillers, but without side effects and particularly avoiding negative drug effects on the digestive system.”³
The phase 2 multicenter study for determining the efficacy of TEP was completed and published in peer-reviewed journals.⁵,⁶,⁷ Over 1000 patients were treated with adjunct, supportive treatment of post-surgical pain, menstrual cramps, and a cascade of different painful, behavioral, skin, and hormonal disorders, with great success using TEP. Post-surgical patients used a minimal number of prescribed opioid tablets (the best answer to the opioid crisis), returned to work in one-half of the usual time, and scaring of post-surgical wounds was minimal.⁸,⁹,¹⁰ Pain is a major cause of suffering in the general population and has a major impact on the economy. Health economists from John Hopkins University, writing in The Journal of Pain, reported the annual cost of acute and chronic pain is as high as $635 billion a year, which is more than the yearly costs for cancer, heart disease, and diabetes.¹¹
What Thomas Huxley stated about 150 years ago rings true today: “every living cell consists of protoplasm, which is the physical basis of life.”¹² The supportive Extremely Low Electromagnetic Frequencies (ELEMF) emitted by TEP provide the correct frequency information and promote healthy protoplasm with high energy and low entropy in the cell resting living state.¹³ The frequencies in these items are imprinted with an energetic message, which is passively transmitted, producing a bioenergy field when in contact with skin. The bioenergy field is a conglomerate of particle matter. They interreact with each other not directly but by interreacting with intermediary force fields such as quantum electromagnetic fields, the physical aspect of which we call photon and, in this case, a biophoton. Biophoton-induced energy is coherent and nonlinear.¹⁴ Internally, this electromagnetism is created by quantum fields of atomic action in the protoplasm caused by the piezoelectric capacity of connective tissue.¹⁵ In fact, in the quantum physics Standard Model Theory, all the known types of matter and forces are described as quantum fields. In humans, internal frequencies merge with material external energy to form a Human Bioenergy Field.¹⁶ This can be studied scientifically with the advent of objective monitoring instruments: the Egely Wheel, the Electronic Muscle Tester, Galvanic Skin Response instruments¹⁷, and Bio-Well cameras.¹⁸ Biological systems possess the ability to create and utilize coherent oscillation and respond to external oscillation.¹⁹ Applications of certain frequencies by frequency-generating devices such as TEP produce electromagnetic resonance within cellular structures and water molecules. This change in water molecules will affect the configurations and liquid crystal properties of peptides, proteins, cell membranes, organelle membranes, and DNA²⁰ to respond, in this case, to stimuli, thus facilitating optimal homeostasis. This was scientifically measured using the Resonant Recognition Model (RRM).³
“Resonant Recognition Model can be used as a universal tool in predicting protein, RNA, and DNA electromagnetic resonances in the wide frequency range. Keeping in mind that earlier predictions with tubulin molecules have been experimentally proved, the RRM could be used as a powerful universal method for predicting the electromagnetic resonances in biological macromolecules that could be used in experimental planning and in conjunction with experiments to minimize time and expenditure in exploring such complex macromolecular systems.” ²¹,²² The human body is a complex living system with a number of different chemical, electrical, and mechanical processes running simultaneously and continuously. All those processes depend on healthy protoplasm, whose normal function depends on structured water molecules. In Ling’s Association-Induction (AI) hypothesis, the minimal unit of living matter is not the living cell but its building block, the protoplasm. Weak modulation of Hertzian Energy activates selective absorption of K+ over Na+ and allows ATP in the cell when exposed to ELEMF to resonate, activating RNA and DNA restoring normal homeostasis.¹³ Stochastic resonance enables this action.²³ Water molecules are the base of protoplasm in cells and connective tissue. Exposed to ELEMF, those molecules are energized and build an “ordered” Exclusion Zone (EZ).
EZ is an unexpectedly large zone of water that forms next to many submersed materials. EZ gets its name because it excludes practically everything. The EZ contains a lot of charge, and its character differs from that of bulk water (the fourth phase of water).²⁴ EZ requires electromagnetic energy and looks like multiple strands of pearls twisted together.²⁵ This structured (energized) water exposed to ELEMF resonance maintains normal protoplasm, activating ATP, RNA, and DNA, promoting its normal function,¹ following the principle of AI and RRM. This statement is based on the findings that certain periodicities within the distribution of energy of delocalized electrons along a protein molecule are critical for protein biological functions and/or interaction with their targets.¹ Mai Wan-Ho stats: “Water is central to the action of quantum molecular machines…Water is the means, medium, and message of life.”²⁵
TEPs are site-specific and should be applied to the skin. Skin behaves as a capacitor. TEPs are charged with dozens of different ELEMFs specific to act to related ion channels and peptides.
We believe that technology using ELEMF and the principle of RRM action is opening doors to a wide variety of new products, with different frequencies and applications, in promoting health. Our research department has developed several different frequency patches that are beneficial to wellbeing⁵,⁷,⁸ and is working diligently in the development of many more. Those products are affordable, without side effects, free of medication, and totally harmless.
ELEMF acts on living biological matter and creates communication between biomolecules, which is essential to life²⁶. Molecules communicate like a radio set that receives a specific waveform carried from the radio station to which it is tuned to resonate and none other. This molecular communication takes place through structured water molecules that surround all biomolecules. It appears from the latest research that water has an amplifying role. Some of the data imply that signals are emitted by biomolecules but finally conveyed by water molecules. It is like the string of a guitar: the string vibrates and produces a musical note, but the guitar body amplifies it to audible sound.
The future of medicine, the future of the health of humanity, is in understanding the mode of action of Quantum Medicine, the entire electromagnetic spectrum of our surroundings, and our interaction with it. At that point, our understanding of pathophysiology will be complete; medical books will be rewritten; preventive medicine will be 90% of medical practice. And at that point, Tuning Element will be in the front row of research and development companies in Nanobiotechnology.
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*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Revised February 24, 2022